Emmanuel Fellowship Church
Sunday - 10:30 a.m. - Services in English
Nursery available
Wednesday - Bible Study - 6:30 p.m. and Prayer at 7:30 p.m.
E.F.C. - in the beginning
Since its beginning in the mid 1970’s, Emmanuel has only known two pastors, Pastor David Davidson and Pastor Lynn Wilson, its present pastor.
The church began under the leadership of Pastor David Davidson. Pastor Davidson was a successful business man when he was stricken by crippling arthritis that caused him to be bed-ridden. When he cried out to God, he was totally healed. He entered into full-time ministry shortly thereafter. He was ordained as a Baptist pastor, but was touched by the Holy Spirit during the era of the Charismatic Movement of the early 70’s. At that time, he stepped down from his pastorate at a Baptist church and began having meetings in his home. These meetings were the seeds from which Emmanuel grew.
Pastor Wilson was not in the ministry, but he was also touched by the Holy Spirit during the 70’s Charismatic Movement. He also began a Bible study in his home which grew into a Church; a ministry called Day Star Ministries. When that ministry was left without a pastor, he and his family began attending Emmanuel. Shortly after that, he became the assistant pastor. When Pastor Davidson left to run for Lt. Governor of the state of Texas in 1986, Pastor Wilson was asked by the congregation to assume the position of senior pastor. He has pastored the Church since that time.
E.F.C. is a loving, caring, church family, where every member or visitor is greeted with sincere love. We are a charismatic, Holy Spirit led church where the gifts of the Holy Spirit are encouraged. Our spiritual vision is encapsulated in our logo statement, “Reaching, Teaching and Growing Together.” Our vision is to reach out to the residents of Gonzales and the communities around us as well as the world; to teach the Word of God to as many as will receive it; and to edify and to help each other grow in the knowledge of God.
You are invited to come and worship with us as we continue to reach out to a lost and hurting world with the truth of God’s Word and love. Most of all, at Emmanuel you will experience the Presence of the Lord through a personal encounter with Him. He will meet you right where you are in your life.